Certification Body
Assessment of compliance, according to the accreditation scope
Assessment of compliance, according to the accreditation scope
Individual approach, comprehensive answers, 100% satisfaction is guaranteed
→ Product certification body of the «Certification and Quality» LLC has been founded in 2017 in accordance with its scope of accreditation and in order to assess compliance with the technical regulations and normative documents (on a voluntary basis) of the customs union and RA.
«Certification and Quality» LLC has been accredited in accordance with GOST ISO/IEC 17065-2013 - Certificate of Compliance N018/T-036 (http://www.armnab.am/CertificationBodyList) and has been appointed as a conformity assessment body by the Ministry of Economy of the RA - Certificate of Confirmation N-21 (https://mineconomy.am/page/400).
Certification body - «Certification and Quality» LLC is included in the unified register of certification bodies and analytical laboratories of the customs union (http://www.eurasiancommission.org/en/Pages/default.aspx) and provides declarations and certificates of compliance in accordance with the customs union regulations.
The pricing and cost of the services of the «Certification and Quality» LLC's product certification body are specified in the Order №515-N of 16-04-2015 on setting the "AMOUNT OF THE REGISTRATION FEE FOR THE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY", as well as in the company's PR 09.01-17 procedure form FO 09.01.14-17.
«Certification and Quality» LLC product certification body maintains and provides access upon request (through publications, electronic media or other means) to the following:
a) information (or a link to it) about the certification scheme(s), assessment and award rules and procedures, approval, extension, reduction, suspension, cancellation or refusal of certification, /(in accordance with internal procedures, as well as current technical regulations, other regulatory documents of the EAEU and RA in the field of accreditation of the certification body),
b) a description of the rights and obligations of applicants and customers, including requirements, sanctions or restrictions on the use of the name of the certification body and the certification mark, as well as references to the issued certification documents, /(all information is set out in the contract between the applicant and the certification body),
(c) information on complaints and appeals procedures, /(in accordance with the internal procedures of the certification body, as well as using the information and telecommunication network (internet, telephone)).
→ Management systems certification body of the «Certification and Quality» LLC has been established in 2019 according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 17021-1:2015.
Management systems certification body of the «Certification and Quality» LLC is accredited by the National accreditation body of RA in accordance with the requirements of HST ISO/IEC 17021-1-2015, HST ISO/IEC 27006-2016 , Accreditation Certificate № 002/M-008
Management systems certification body of the «Certification and Quality» LLC is included in the unified register of Nationally accredited management systems certification bodies (http://www.armnab.am/ManagementSystemsListN).
The accreditation allows MSCB to carry out the certification process according to its scope of accreditation.
The Management systems certification body provides consultations* and services of implementation of Quality management systems and Food safety management systems for the organizations, as well as those audit and certification.
Management systems certification body of the «Certification and Quality» LLC has introduced its own Quality management system aimed at continuous improvement of the services provided, the most important part of which are the quality and impartiality policies.
The audit process, certificate issue, suspension, termination, or scope reduction, as well as the complaints and appeals processes, are carried out in accordance with established procedures.
The use of the name of the certification body and the certification mark or logo is carried out by the MSCB according to the internal procedure.
*MSCB provides consultations in compliance with the impartiality requirements defined in subsections 5.2.5-5.2.8 of the ISO 17021-1-2015 standard.
Meeting-Discussion with Members of the Mantashyants Business Club
On November 5, "Certification and Quality" LLC, together with the consulting company "SIGNUM," organized...
"Conformity assessment of tobacco products and their substitutes"
The product certification body of «Certification and Quality» LLC held a conference...
The management systems certification body of "Certification and Quality" LLC has been ...
"CERTIFICATION AND QUALITY" LLC - officially registered member in the EU Business Register
"CERTIFICATION AND QUALITY" LLC - officially registered member in the EU Business Register
Entrust your business to professionals!
Having a professional team is a guarantee of quality service...
The 26th international exhibition «PRODEXPO», which is considered the number 1 exhibition in Russia for field of food, beverages and food raw materials, took place on February 11-15, in Moscow...
New service
"Certification and Quality" LLC helps manufacturers...
Bridge of cooperation
«Certification and Quality» LLC presented the scope and services for EAC declarations and certificates provision...
There are conscientious producers in Armenia
The event under the name of "Close Cooperation” was held on 16th February 2018 organized at the initiative of "FDA Laboratory" LLC and "Certification and Quality" LLC, since it was time to say thank to those partners, who have a good attitude not only to their business, but also to society, and are responsible for the quality of their products.
Representatives from 42 companies were invited to the event...
«Certification and Quality» LLC has been accredited...
Certification Body
«Certification and Quality» LLC has been appointed as сertification body...
Common Register of the Customs Union
Certification body «Certification and Quality» LLC is included in the Common Register of the Customs Union...
1 bld.,6th str., village Nor Gyugh, community Akunk, marz Kotayk, RA
Product Certification Body
+374 60 46-00-76 (ext.104), +374 96 35-00-01
Management Systems Certification Body
+374 33 35-00-01